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Client Advisory Boards

Client Advisory Boards often referred to as CABs are Client Advisory Boards are a wise investment of time, talent, and resources. They produce marketplace insights beyond the ordinary. Client advisory boards are designed to complement, not replace, traditional and existing “voice-of-the-client” channels, such marketing research, relationship management, operations, and third-party surveys. CABs align with and contribute to organizational strategy. From a context standpoint, I think of CABs as very carefully selected small group of clients that are representative of the entire client base. The size of the client advisory board can range from 6 to 20 clients, with each client representing a different organization. CABs generate meaningful outputs leading to desirable outcomes for CAB clients, the CAB sponsoring organization, and more broadly focused stakeholders.

The recurring OEM methodology is feature in my new book titled An Org Dev’l  Approach to Client Advisory Boards. A CAB gives clients totally unique insights in a very collaborative forum and gives sponsoring organization valuable glimpses of the future from the clients’ perspective that feed strategic planning and targeted execution.


The offers insights about the CAB purpose, culture, structure, roles, preparation and putting the advice to work. As a voice of the client channel, Client Advisory Boards produce insights beyond the ordinary for all parties involved. My “voice of the client” approach has evolved from the focus of my doctoral dissertation on consumer affairs. I am so very blessed to have CAB experiences with leading corporations, emerging businesses, health care systems and universities from 1996 to 2018.

This book was published in August 2022 and is available on
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